Hello, my name is Pravesh Shrestha and I am a Full-Stack web developer with a passion for creating visually aesthetic and responsive websites

About me

Ever since my first wesite visit in the late 90's after my father hooked up our computer with dial-up internet, I have been fascinated with websites.

After teaching myself basic HTML and CSS I decided to persue a career in web development and joined a web development bootcamp, General Assembly, in New York, New York.

I have since developed a passion for coding, learning new technologies and making fully functional websites from scratch.

These are the list of languages and frameworks I work with to create websites

html logo


css logo


javascript logo


bootstrap logo


react logo


node express logo


rails logo


Some projects I have worked on as a web developer student

React Native Mobile App

A React-Native Mobile app that uses The Movie Database to search for and browse movies.

Rect Rental Express App

A rental single page application with Express.js RESTful API in the back-end and React.js in the front-end.

Favorite Tracks App

A full crud ruby-on-rails web application with authentication feature in which users can create account and share their drink recipe with the rest of the world, upload pictures and leave comments.

Favorite Tracks App

This web application uses express on the back-end and can store your favorite tracks in a database and uses lastfm api to get top 50 songs from the artist.

Soccer Ticket App

A simple soccer fan webpage built using Bootstrap and PHP

Game Tracker App

Web application built using react on the front-end and rails on the back end that searches for games from the igdb api and lets you store the status of games that you are interested in.

Get in Touch

Would you like to speak to me? Please leave me a message in my email and I will get back to you as soon as possible

Send E-mail

Tel: 646-262-5376
